Category: Fun

Singing Through Midterm Season

I had my first (and only) midterm this week, an in-class essay and some short answer questions in my peace and justice studies class. To clarify, since “midterm” at Wellesley can refer to any test/problem set/essay between the start of classes and finals, it was an actual midterm. The syllabus said “midterm.” The professor said “midterm.” That was this past…

So Long, and Thanks for Everything

Dear All, 8 months, 23 blog posts, and about 13,000 words later, my career as a Wellesley admissions blogger is finally coming to a close. It’s been quite a ride! From sharing my love of Lake Waban to chronicling the strange odyssey that was the weird mermaid psych class, we’ve gone some places. I hope you’ll forgive me if I…

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