Category: Holidays

The Calm Before the (Finals) Storm

Hello again dear readers! I hope you have all enjoyed a lovely Thanksgiving holiday and are easing yourselves gently back into work this Monday. For Thanksgiving, I took my beloved Northeast Regional train back home. There was a particularly beautiful sunset along the New England coast that afternoon, made even more poignant by the fact that I was listening to…

Flappers, Tanners, and Acceptances, oh my!

Happy Halloween! With it being a Monday, and most of the festivities happening over the weekend, it already feels like Halloween has passed, so much so that I wondered why someone wearing a creepy skull mask and flowing black robes waved to me on my way to class this morning. And then I remembered, oh, it’s still Halloween, which was…

Fall break & flight bookings

Fall break is already coming to a close. Tomorrow morning, once again, I will find myself wedged on a Greyhound bus bound for Boston, as we creep our way past the places I’ve never visited but now have memorized-New Rochelle, Bridgeport, New Haven, Westerly, Kingstown. I’m so relaxed right now, which is part of the reason this update is coming so…

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