Introductions! Introductions! Introductions!

Hello y’all!

My name is Caroline and I’m about halfway through my second semester back at Wellesley. I was born and raised in Walnut Creek, California –– in the San Francisco Bay Area –– and I’m loving life on the East Coast. I am an avid reader, coffee drinker, lover of politics and fresh flowers, Ben & Jerry’s connoisseur, and a water polo player. I’m so excited to be back on campus and even more excited about my awesome classes for the semester. Lots of American history is in store for me this semester and some incredible courses that make use of the resource that is Boston.

Now that I’m back on campus, I’ve been reflecting on this past semester and I can’t help thinking that it all went so quickly. Only six months ago, I arrived at Wellesley after a VERY long flight knowing absolutely no one. Now, six very busy months later, I have met some of my best friends and mentors. These past months have been filled with hard work, long walks around Lake Waban, and laughter in my dorm common room; and in the span of months Wellesley has become my home away from home.

As cheesy as it sounds, Wellesley truly does feel like home for me. I felt welcome from the moment I stepped out of a very full rental car ready to move into my dorm. Upperclassmen at Wellesley embrace first years and show us the ropes, and despite my fears about never making friends, truly everyone I met here has been intelligent, funny, and kind –– people I feel lucky to call friends. My professors too have helped make Wellesley feel like home. After only a week of class, all of my professors knew my name. When you are in a place that still feels new (and a little bit scary!) and your professor knows your name, you instantly feel as though you belong. The people –– students, faculty, and staff –– are what make Wellesley a second home for so many, including myself.

So, what’s in store for this blog? Follow along and I’ll fill you in on how this Californian is surviving her first New England winter, how I try to create balance between classes and friendships, how I’m navigating homesickness, and of course, where you can find the best ice cream on campus. College is a wild ride and I’m so excited to have you (virtually) along with me.


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