A very Wellesley afternoon. Photo credit to Bianca Pichamuthu for Phocus Photography Club, a Wellesley organization.
The Preface
Howdy, hello, and hola – welcome to my blog! My name is Cristian Estefania Lamas Hernandez, but you can call me Stef. Although I’ve spent a majority of my 19 years living in the lovely San Antonio, TX, I was born in Zacatecas, Zacatecas, Mexico, and truth be told – I’m a little nervous right now.

Me at Friends and Family Weekend last year…showing off my Blue Pride!!
You see, I love Wellesley a lot, but I’m not very good at introductions. As a sophomore (red class, WOOT!!), you’d think that my first year would make me a pro, but alas – it has only made me more aware of the importance of a good first impression. So – um, let me start with my favorite joke!
What did the fish say when it hit the wall? Dam!
Phew! Now that I’ve filled my quota of awkwardness for the day…
Wellesley is a place that has allowed me to grow as a woman, an ally, a sister, a friend, an intellectual, and as an activist. It’s a place that has provided me solace (through the Stone Center and Mezcla, the Latin@ students’ association) and direction (through its faculty and staff). I can’t imagine myself being a part of any other environment, I can’t imagine myself being happier anywhere else, and I can’t imagine myself thriving anywhere that isn’t Wellesley. I love it here – and it’s reciprocal. When I applied for Wellesley ED, many people advised me not to fall in love with a school (for fear I wouldn’t be accepted). Of course, I was hard-headed and I fell in love anyways, and now here I am – two years later, a Wellesley Woman: passionate, critical, loving, dissenting and PROUD.
Welcome to the siblinghood! And never be afraid to let your light shine.
Con amor,
Estefania Lamas, your first Wellesley sister.