Boats, Songs, and Turkey & Cranberry Sandwiches

JUST FINISHED MY LAST MIDTERM ON MONDAY!! Finally!!! And other good news of the week: ELLIE GOULDING IS COMING TO WELLESLEY! Every year, Wellesley College Government puts on a week+ of fun events for the entire campus like outdoor activities, free food, and concerts called Fall Frenzy! And this year: ELLIE GOULDING!  And I happen to LOVE her, so I’m incredibly excited!

So on Thursday, I went to my friend’s date event for the Owl, a Harvard final club, which was on a cruise that went along the Charles River. It was so much fun! The boat was called “The Spirit of Boston.”

Owl Punch Date Event!

Afterward, I went to stay at my brother, Chris’, place and hung out with him and his roommates till 4 in the morning! Then I caught the bus back in the morning to catch my afternoon class.

Then Friday night I got sushi with Justin at this fabulous place around the corner from his apartment. Then we had the most wonderful, relaxing night and watched a couple episodes of How I Met Your Mother. Then the next day I met up with Laura to go watch Jackson fence at MIT. It was so cool; I had never seen fencing before. I really want to try it out sometime. Perhaps take a PE class in it? Afterwards, we all went to eat at a wonderful bakery right at the heart of MIT called Flour. I had a delicious turkey and cranberry sandwich! I really want to go back there. It was so good.

Then we studied a bit at MIT before catching the commuter rail back. Once I returned, Emma and I went to go watch the Blue Notes, a fabulous acapella group at Wellesley, perform. Two ZA girls, Isa and Sarah, one squash member, Lily, and my other friend, Ally, are in it, and they were SO good!! Here’s a picture of them performing their fall teaser:

The Lovely Blue Notes

Sadly, I had so much work to catch up on, so I couldn’t go out to Ktown that night with Sunny and others OR to Ally’s 21st party at the Wellesley pub. Just had too much work. Boo.

Also, Tuesday–made smoothies with Laura as part of her floor program that she was putting on as an RA in Severance. They were absolutely delicious!

Laura making smoothies, yum!!

Also went to a lecture by the former US Ambassador to the Soviet Union during 1987-1991, Jack F. Matlock, Jr. It was such an interesting lecture; I’m so glad my Russian History professor recommended I go!

Other highlights from the week is contemplating my study abroad options. Chris suggested I look into Oxford or Cambridge as well? I’ll have to look into it…

Anyways, on an exciting note: HALLOWEEN IS THIS WEEKEND!!! I think I’m going as Santa and Laura as a reindeer? Haha we’ll see. I’ll post up pictures next week. Next Tuesday is also Tanner!!!! Can’t believe it’s already here! It doesn’t seem too long ago that I was applying for it. I’ll update you guys next week on how it went. Wish me luck!!!

And lastly…

Academic Quad!!

Fall fall fall!!!

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