Food and Purple Trees

This weekend has been a whirlwind! I just turned in my first project for my CS class. I successfully programmed an entire animated game on my own. CS is one of the most frustrating, addicting, and fulfilling things I have ever done. I’m glad I still have more time to decide whether a minor in it will be fitting for me or not.

The other classes I’m taking are:

CHIN 101-basic mandarin. One of the most demanding I’ve ever taken at Wellesley (meets 4 times a week plus has an extra discussion session and an optional Chinese table, where we have lunch but can only converse in Chinese).

HIST 209-Roses to Revolution: British history–great class that I’m taking with Professor Frace, an amazing professor that I had last semester and probably the reason I’m a history major now

HIST 248-Tragic Colossus: Soviet Union History, wonderful class that I’m enjoying. Professor Tumarkin is the one of the most passionate professors I have ever taken a class with and Russian history is just fascinating in itself.

And of course, the amazing CS class I’m in: CS 117 Inventing Mobile Apps.

Also, chilled with the squash team for a bit as we decorated a wedding card for our assistant coach. Had s’mores with ZA + an impromptu food adventure with my ZA girls, Katie and Brittany, that consisted of sushi, Italian BLT, and ravioli. Also went to a ZA mixer on Thursday at MIT and got UNOs pizza in Boston afterwards. Here’s a picture of us before we all headed out:

ZA <3

On Friday, went out to dinner with Justin on Friday and ate amazing Northern-style Chinese food that included lots of spices and chilis. It was so delicious! Then, returned back onto campus and had a sleepover-type chill session with the ZA girls in my initiate class. Looove Spring’11 <3

Saturday was the Sophomore Tree Planting Ceremony, a Wellesley tradition where the sophomore class plants their class tree on the Wellesley campus. My roommate, Emily, is one of the class presidents and has been organizing this event for weeks now. Here is us at the ceremony. Here is our class tree. It will have purple flowers for our class color!

2014 Class Tree!

This is me tying my best wishes for our tree!

But so much fun has to be balanced with an equal amount of work, so Saturday and Sunday were spent studying for midterms–one for Russian history and Chinese. To tackling these midterms tomorrow!

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