Homeward Bound

I’m all packed up and ready for the drive home *finally*. My mom wanted me to be leaving early in the afternoon. Considering she hasn’t called, I have a sneaking suspicion she knows it takes a little longer for me to pack than she would like.

I’m going home to New Jersey as soon as I finish this post. The drive to my house takes between four and five hours. Just in time for a late dinner.

I’ll be spending a lot of my time at home in the city. For those of you not from the metropolitan or tri-state area, I’m talking about New York City. In my family it’s the only city that really counts. I’ll be joining a Wellesley friend of mine for an opera and then my family goes to a restaurant called Isabella’s on the Upper West Side for Thanksgiving. I should also be up early enough to catch the Macy’s Thanksgiving day parade.

Once upon a time, when my family would make a day trip to the city just for the parade, I remember the weather was awful. It was pouring and freezing, but we still stayed out to see the big blow up Sesame Street characters. When we finally gave up my mom could wring the water from her leather gloves because we were so soaked.

Last Thanksgiving, I saw Jimmy Fallon. In real life, not blow up, on a float at the parade.

Thanksgiving is my favorite holiday, with a close tie being July 4th. I just love to love America. Hope everyone enjoys their Turkey (and for vegetarians like me, Tofurky) Day!

This picture was taken last Thanksgiving outside of Isabella’s of my cousins and brother with me on the end.

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