~Fall Break on the Cape~

Hello hello!

Can’t believe it’s already been another week! And Fall Break is over! πŸ™ Alas, classes start up again tomorrow.

(But it’s okay, because I only have two classes tomorrow, and in my first–behavioral economics–we’ll spend most of the class period doing an experiment, and in my second–chinese cinema–we’ll be watching Farewell My Concubine. Should be fun!)

This past weekend I went to Cape Cod with my friend Judy, whom I affectionately consider my “adopted aunt”. She has a cozy little condo on the beach in Falmouth.

Here we are with her dog, Jimmy.


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And then we skyped a Wellesley friend of mine (we also went to the same high school!) who’s also friends with Judy (courtesy of me, ha) currently studying abroad in Germany. (She’s having so much fun and I’m so jealous!)

Here’s Judy showing her the view of the beach from outside. It was a dreary day that day, and we both stayed in most of the day. (I got a lot of studying done for my art history exam!) But the other two days on the Cape were so beautiful. πŸ™‚


And we also had great meals with friends of Judy’s on the Cape! Including a dinner at a Thai restaurant and a lobster dinner at someone’s home!

In addition to ample studying and visiting-with-friends, I managed to get some reading done for the book I’m currently reading for leisure: Americanah. Such a good book! Actually probably going to read more of it tonight before bed. πŸ™‚ Chimamanda Adichie is a phenomenal writer (and slips in so much social commentary into her novels!). I also snuck in time for a movie! Watched Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon for the first time. Can’t believe I’m Chinese and haven’t seen it before. It was so good though. πŸ˜€ In a different way than House of Flying Daggers is good! Still breathtaking plot twist and striking romances, but the colors and shots in House of Flying Daggers are just so vivid.

Ha–look at me. I’m not even writing for my film class! So I’ll stop here.

Until next week!


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