First Week of Spring Break!


Guess who’s on spring break?? 😀 😀 My last class was actually last MONDAY so I’ve been on break for almost the entire last week of term, too! Woohoo!

I’ve been busy trying new restaurants with my flatmate, watching movies, and being a tourist in Oxford (believe it or not, I still haven’t done a lot of the touristy things here yet)!

As per usual for all my posts…let the pictures commence!

Here is a company meeting for the second startup I’ve joined – Travel Ninja. Yay for small companies! Also my friend Shannia (who visited me a few weeks ago and is in all my North Wales pictures) is in the company as well. This was at Handlebar Cafe in Ox–highly recommend for a hole in the wall, hip and alternative cafe with super cool food options!


Oh and here is a picture my mom sent me from our front yard back in California hah. I miss the sunshine and warm weather there. At least spring has also finally arrived in Oxford! Blossoms are coming out…


Here is my flatmate Michelle (also in Travel Ninja) and myself trying Edamame, a highly desired and opened-for-very-limited-hours-per-week, hole in the wall (literally) Japanese restaurant in Ox. Good food! We did not like the sake though. Lol. That might also be because we just don’t like a lot of types of alcohol in general.

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Then here I am being a tourist in Oxford! I finally hauled my little butt up the University Church tower, where I got a GRAND view of all of Oxfordshire. Yay for old buildings that look really pretty!!





And here Michelle and I are sending Sim off as she leaves for India!! My flatmates are slowly leaving me one by one…I’ll be all alone for the remaining 3 weeks of spring break! 🙁



But on the bright side, I’m visiting Sheffield soon! My mom studied her masters there and I want to go see the town where she, too, spent a year in England in her early 20’s. 🙂

I’ve got my Airbnb all set up and my bus tickets purchased. I’ll tell you all about it next week!



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