
I’ve decided to sum up the past few weeks of my life with lists…


Books I’ve read or am currently reading:

Eleanor & Park by Rainbow Rowell

The Homesick Restaurant by Anne Tyler

Why We Broke Up by Daniel Handler

The Woman Warrior by Maxine Hong Kingston

Let My People Go Surfing by Yvon Chouinard


Songs I’m currently in love with:

Mykonos by Fleet Foxes

Arm’s Length by Kacy Hill

Tonight You Are Mine by The Technicolors

Celeste by Ezra Vine

Arcadia by The Kite String Tangle

Don’t Be So Hard On Yourself by Jess Glynne

One Time by Marian Hill


Movies I’ve seen (almost all repeats):

Eternal Sunshine and the Spotless Mind

Erin Brockovich (would highly recommend!!)

When In Rome

The Ugly Truth

When Harry Met Sally


Anime I recently discovered:

Death Parade

Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood


Things I recently learned existed:

Magnum P.I.

Chevy Impalas


Things I know to be true:

Quiet evenings spent at home with roommates are better than loud evenings spent out with strangers.

Cooking is enjoyable in a strangely satisfying way.

Sometimes plants on windowsills make all the difference.

It’s okay to like novels.

It’s okay to not like exercise.

It’s okay to wake up at 10am everyday.

It’s okay to not like podcasts.

Sometimes you quit something when you’re little because you think you hate it, like playing piano, only to rediscover in your young adulthood that you actually quite enjoy–and miss–it.

Sometimes life is overwhelming and you have to cry silently in a bathroom stall–and that’s okay.

Sometimes you remember how great your life is and marvel at all the things that are going well–and wonder what in the world you ever did to deserve such luck.


Sometimes your blog posts don’t make sense. And that’s okay. Because they’re for you just as much as they’re for your readers.




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