
Hey hey~!

As you may or may not know, Oxford and Cambridge have one of the oldest rivalries among academic institutions.

My flatmates and I went to Cambridge this past weekend for a ball. We came back have decided that Oxford is indeed better. Hehe.

In all honesty though, Cambridge is really beautiful. We’re just biased towards Oxford because we study here.

On to the pictures!

Here we are exploring the different colleges at Cambridge…(it was a super windy day!)

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This is King’s College–SO GRAND. It was literally a fortress. And there was a beautiful chapel.

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I believe this is St. John’s in the background…and a beautiful river that runs through the city!

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My flatmates… <3


Oh HA this was a great memory: the four of us changing into our ball gowns, in the same car, in a parking garage, and then doing makeup using the one light above the dashboard and the visor mirrors…haha.


Before we went inside for the Ball!



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Out of chronological order, but more of the exploring we did earlier in the day:

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Oh HA this is another one of my favorites! When the wind photobombs your selfie, Exhibit A:

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Aaaand that’s a wrap! The ball was fun, we danced our hearts out, they’d ran out of champagne by the time we got there but we were fine with that.

Overall, Cambridge was nice….but Oxford is still better. 😉




Until next week!


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