A snowy return

Hello everyone! As I’m writing this, I’m sitting in Metropark train station, checking the status of my Boston-bound warrior train bravely (but three hours slowly) making its way up the East coast mid blizzard. Oddly enough, this storm isn’t hitting Boston too hard…but New Jersey is certainly taking a hit. We almost got stuck in a snowbank twice trying to get on the Turnpike to drop me off, and quite frankly, it was terrifying.

Anyways, I figured I’d use the time to give you an update on how my wintersession went, because I sure managed to fit a lot into four weeks. My priority was, as promised, applications to summer biomedical research programs and internships. The process itself is not unlike applying to grad school, personal statements, professor recommendations and all. And I’ll admit that I did spend a few days frequenting my local library (Swelles has made me very dependent on libraries as a place of productivity). But my professors (both my research advisor and my academic advisor) have been super supportive and helpful, reading over essays and helping me with recommendations even at around the fifteenth email during their break. And now I have five programs submitted!…and more to come.

I was also working again for the freelance radio host I interned for last summer, editing her upcoming podcast series Behind the Kitchen door. Now, I’m not the kind of girl who gets enthused over cooking utensils, but this podcast is about more than that…its about the metaphorical resonance and emotional meaning we attach to ordinary objects, and the stories of how food can bring people together in the most unlikely ways. And I got to compose the opening music, quite literally kitchen music, featuring a stove burner beat and a glass harp! I always enjoy shaping a story, which is why audio editing was a nice creative outlet in the midst of the application frenzy.

Standing on kitchen chairs to get the perfect opening episode photo

Standing on kitchen chairs to get the perfect opening episode photo

I’ve been told (by my mom, this blog’s biggest fan) I don’t talk about fun enough on here, but rest assured there was plenty of fun involved in break as well! My Christmas present was tickets to NYC Ballet’s season opener, featuring Barber Violin Concerto, Fancy Free, and Who Cares?, and a stacked line up of all my favorite dancers who I’d been watching on repeat on Youtube for the past couple years. It was absolutely spectacular, something I won’t be forgetting anytime soon. As far as other fun goes, I saw the Star Wars: The Force Awakens with my dad, and spent some quality time catching up with dear friends from home, and of course, my violin.

Oh, Lincoln Center, you so pretty

Oh, Lincoln Center, you so pretty


I’ve spent probably about forty five minutes writing this, and during that time I’m pretty sure my approaching train has not moved…I keep watching the status get pushed back later and later. But as much as delays are a pain, I’m excited to have my friends and a new semester to get back to, and I’m grateful to have had a nice break with my family. Here’s to hoping I make it back to Wellesley today, and my warrior train pulls through!

Ever lovely yours,



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