Unexpected winter beauty

We got snow! The first snow of the year on campus always has magical feel about it, even for someone like me, intimidated enough by last year’s 100 inches to be quite content with unseasonal warmth. Still, walking to breakfast this morning, dodging snowplows while listening to Tchaikovsky’s “Winter Reveries” Symphony, I couldn’t help but smile at the beauty that is Wellesley in the snow. This being Wellesley of course, we still had class, and I was running all over campus with errands today.And yes, I froze my fingers a bit to get some beautiful photos for you guys, so you could be here too, in a way.

Sledding on Sev Green

Sledding on Sev Green


Snow still falling on the Bell Tower


Walking back to my dorm

There’s that initial feeling each semester where you think maybe you’re biting off a little more than you can chew, workload wise. Things always work out, but I’m kind of at that point now. This week has been mostly about figuring things out. I have essentially three labs in a row: Monday is Orgo Lab, Tuesday I’m working with the weevils, and Wednesday is Cell Bio. Don’t get me wrong, I do really enjoy lab, but it’s just a lot of time, and a lot of mental energy. By the time I get to Wednesday I’m already a little spent. So I’m figuring out how to manage my work on the weekends to make those heavier days a little less stressful.

In this week’s fun report, last weekend we took at trip into nearby Waltham to go see The Danish Girl. It was really a beautifully constructed, and heart-wrenching movie both filming-wise and thematically. Waltham proved a surprisingly cultural town, and we ventured into an Indian Supermarket to buy snacks before the movie. It was powerful, seeing such a familiar scene, a grocery store, filled with so many unfamiliar and amazing items. We returned to the small theater with coats hiding mango pulp and hazelnut cookies beneath them. College students.

I’ve had a little bit of a cold this week, so it’s nice to sit here, tea in hand, watching the sun peek and reflect on the snow-capped trees. The snow has stopped, and unexpectedly the sky is a pale orange color. Everything feels all right.

Ever lovely yours,


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