End Of An Era

It seems as though our volleyball season has finally come to an end.

We defeated Clarkson in the first round of the NCAA tournament, but lost to Tufts last night in the Regional Semifinal. It's difficult for me to comprehend life without volleyball at this point because it has been a huge part of my life since I came to campus in August. But this season has been one of the best experiences of my life so far. I've learned not only about the game of volleyball, but also about myself and my own work ethic. I dedicated myself to this season more than I had to any other season before. I think before I went through the motions because I had to. This season I went through the motions because I wanted to and because I loved it. On one hand, I can't help but be happy about the way we played against MIT, Springfield, and Clarkson. On the other hand, I'm sorry to see the season end. I can't say enough about how amazing my teammates and coaches are. I also realize that it is now time to look forward and prepare for next season so that it can be just as amazing. =)

First years FINALLY got to register for classes on Thursday. Next spring, my life will revolve around the following classes: American Politics, Quantitative Reasoning, Writing 125: Hitler, and German. I'm pretty excited. I got my first choice so no complaints…AND I found out there is a Harry Potter class at Babson. Even if it doesn't count toward my major, or even if I'm not registered for it, I will totally just show up for it at one point in my Wellesley career. 

Paper due Monday! Wish me luck!

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