Ich kann Deutsch…I hope

I am writing this on a Tuesday night. The following has yet to occur before I can safely claim freedom: Political Science Exam, German oral interview, German Exam, a ten page paper, and a take home American Studies Exam. I hope it stressed you out reading that so you understand what finals is like. 

Overall, I really do think I am in a good place. I feel pretty prepared for both of my exams and I know that the paper and take home can be done over the weekend. Wellesley actually does a really good job giving students a lot of time before finals (called reading period) to study and find help if necessary. It's a great system.

I would say more about finals, but I'd much rather think about this weekend when my friends and I are planning to see the Nutcracker downtown!!! Sigh – that is so much more fun to think about. You know what else is more fun than worrying about finals? Finding hilarious pictures on google and putting them on this blog. That's what. 




Hahahahahaha now wasn't that fun? Okay…now serious business. Off to study! Wish me luck!

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