Tis the season to stress out

December has finally come and I think every student on campus has mixed feelings about its arrival. On one hand, December means finals. On the other hand, December means Christmas and vacation.The typical conversation of the Wellesley student this time of year is as follows:

Student 1: Oh my gosh, I have so much to do! Four finals and two papers to write!

Student 2: Me too! Three finals, a presentation, and a paper!

Student 1: That sucks….but hey – look on the bright side! We go home in a week!

Student 2: Yay presents and vacation!

As you can see, no one is really sure how to feel about December because it is both awesome and stressful. Speaking of awesome, it snowed the other day…and normally this wouldn't be a big deal for me considering I am from Ohio and I'm used to it. HOWEVER, this was THE best packing snow ever. We had the most epic snowball fight you could ever imagine right outside of the campus center and in the quad. We also made a snow woman named Ursula the Amputee (she only had one arm because I broke the other one…oops). The picture I'm including is of my friends Vivian, Jenna, and Jessica and unfortunately it is with a random, unnamed snowman, not Ursula. Sorry to disappoint.


I think I am most nervous for the German Oral Interview I have to do next week! Our professor is basically going to test us on how good we are at speaking German, and to be honest, that's a little scary. But it is the least of my worries, as I do have 2 papers and 3 finals to worry about. You see? I could easily have participated in Student 1 and Student 2's conversation. Exercising has really helped me I think. It gives me something else to think about and always makes me feel good afterward. Yay endorphins!

Wish me luck on my finals!

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