I’m Sure You Are Tired of Reading About Midterms but…

Good morning! 

This week has been especially challenging for me on the academic side of things. Along with everyone else, midterm season is killing me right now. I was so spoiled last semester when all of my classes were low-stress, incredibly interesting, and shadow-graded! I was getting good grades while getting 8 hours a night and managed to fit in as many social engagements as I wanted. At the time, I was grateful for my easy lot. But now that I am on the other side, I wish I had been able to learn to balance these impossible academic demands while I still had shadow grading on my side. I just barely caught up on my work last night but still feel in over my head for the number of readings I have to complete before Spring Break. Knowing that I have a long break coming up is the only thing that is keeping me sane.  

In happier news, two of my closest friends have birthdays this week and we have been trying to figure out the best way to celebrate them both. We (not including my friends with birthdays) went into the Natick Mall on Saturday to buy gifts. We did get some smaller things but mainly spent several hours running around the place like chickens with our heads cut off. I am from Massachusetts so I have been to this mall several times. For whatever reason, whether it was the crowds of the hysterically funny company I brought along, this trip was different than anything before. At one point, we were running through the food court holding hands in a kindergarten chain. At another, we were grocery shopping while hungry and buying so so many different flavors of Lays chips that we did not need. In the end, we got them a couple of cute gifts and ordered a little ice cream cake from Truly’s Yogurt down the street. 

On the agenda through Spring Break: an AMST midterm due tonight (pray for me), readings upon readings upon readings, mock trial scrimmages all weekend long, more readings, more Spanish assignments, a birthday celebration, and my RA interview on Saturday afternoon. 

With love, 


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