Its Happening! My First Wellesley Fall

Good morning and happy Wednesday! 

The campus is feeling especially cozy this week with the first wave of crisp fall weather and the leaves changing all around. I am trying to enjoy this brief respite from the hustle and bustle and soak up that beginning-of-fall goodness while it lasts. Lake Waban is looking especially gorgeous as of late with everything in shades of gold and crimson and, though we are rapidly reaching the point of being uncomfortably cold outside, I find myself wanting to be out more to enjoy this very brief period of classic New England Autumn. Pro tip from a seasoned New Englander: you have to bask up the glory of the early days in each season because that is the only time it looks like it does in Gilmore Girls. In the meantime though, I have got my pumpkin spice CoffeeMate, my Ugg boots, and sweaters galore!

Most of the people on campus are coming back from Friends and Family Weekend so the vibes are just a little bit off. I know from talking to other first years that the adjustment has been tough, going from finally feeling like you are totally settled at College to seeing your family and feeling homesick all over again. We are being especially gentle with one another these days and collectively refocusing. 

Though my parents did not come out, I am in a similar state of disarray after my first mock trial invitational of the season. I am feeling both exhilarated and drained by the entire ordeal. My team was pulled into an invitational at the absolute last minute and ended up preparing a case in less than 72 hours- an insane feat, especially this early in the season. Because I haven’t really done any mock trial since my junior year of high school, getting back into that zone felt like stretching old muscles I hadn’t used in a while. It was a good kind of a stretch, but one that definitely left me sore after. I slept 13 hours on Sunday night and would have gone longer were it not for my nagging midterm paper. The shift from an adrenaline-fueled weekend to a quiet week has been slightly jarring, but at least I know I am in the same boat with a lot of my siblings. 

On the agenda for this upcoming week: another shift at the Child Study Center tomorrow morning, mock trial tonight and this weekend, Hillel on Friday night, getting ahead on my work (probably not going to happen if I am being honest), and a trip to CVS so I can replenish my Halloween candy supply. 

With love, 


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