Registration All Over Again

Good morning everybody and happy Wednesday. My busy week has been expanded into a busy week-and-a-half, but I am getting better at balancing work and fun. Aside from oh so much homework, I had a mock trial invitational this weekend with my new team. Saturday night was smores and havdalah with Hillel and the team watched closing ceremonies together on Sunday night- we did amazing, especially when you consider we had just started preparing a week earlier. I had planned on finishing up my sociology paper last night, but ended up making dorm lights with the Muslim Student Association instead! I simply cannot get over how adorable these little things are (look in the header to fully appreciate the cuteness!)

In other news, course registration is coming up this Friday but I am very much unprepared. Last week’s craziness heading into a weekend’s worth of mock trial left me no time to explore the course browser. I already know I am taking my first-year writing course, What’s In a Name?, and will be finishing up my foreign language requirement, but the other two spots are up for grabs. It’s surreal going from high school where classes lasted all year to a semester system- I feel like I just got started with my classes and don’t want to leave! That being said, there are a lot of interesting classes I am shooting for this time around.

I am going to try and get into an early childhood education special education class, but don’t know how successful I will be. Education department courses are very competitive because they keep the class sizes small and the demand is through the roof. That being said, professors pay close attention to the waiting list and sometimes boost you up if you are enthusiastic. The professor teaching runs the Child Study Center so she knows I am very interested in ECE, so fingers crossed I get in.  The fourth class… that’s a whole other issue. I am tempted to put in a STEM course for the distribution requirements, but that would mean missing out on other fun STEM courses offered in the fall. It looks like I will be doing some kind of funky art class to fulfill a distribution requirement there. Class registration is incredibly stressful, especially if you are looking to take classes in a competitive department like education. People spend days pouring over the course browser, drafting schedules, and planning backups, only to roll the dice come registration morning- by that point, you just get what you get. So Friday morning, keep me in your prayers. 

Beyond class registration, the agenda for this week is packed. I have a mock trial tonight and a weekly Friday Shabbat dinner. Saturday will be catching up on studying before I get my Mock Trial big that night! I have no idea who it is or how I will meet them, but I have been told to be waiting in my room at 6 pm wearing warm clothes. Sunday will be spent catching up on homework and doing some much-delayed laundry before watching a Lord Byron biopic with my Romantic Poetry class in the afternoon. 

Until next time, 


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