So This Is Midterms?

Good morning everybody and happy Wednesday!

These past couple of weeks have been hectic academically because, as it was recently revealed to me, we are in the midterm period. I was under the impression that midterms would be a scheduled week-long period when all of my classes would have exams- you know, like how it is in the movies. And maybe it’s just Wellesley, but that is not at all the case here. Midterms at Wellesley is just this bizarre, nebulous 2-month period in the middle of the semester where times ceases to have meaning and all of that work you had been putting off is suddenly due. I have a sociology paper due today, a Spanish test on Thursday, an English paper due next Wednesday, an education paper due the Friday after that, a Spanish paper due the week after that, another English paper due the following Wednesday… this rhythm maintains until Thanksgiving break. I, oddly enough, have been managing okay though. I really do think I squandered my shadow grading privilege because all of my classes are manageable. 

In more fun news, Wellesley SBOG (Schnieder Board of Governors, a group on campus that plans fun events) came through once again with Laundry Day on Saturday night. I will not lie, I seriously thought we would be doing laundry as a college when I first saw the flyer. Turns out, Laundry Day is a band from NYC that SBOG booked as a concert for us- I still had no idea who they were though, or what to expect. But, since I have a desperate need to be included, I decided to go to the concert with one of my friends last minute. As a result, I am a #laundrylifer (and yes, I did also coin that term specifically for this occasion). The entire group swaying in unison to the beat, catching glimpses of familiar faces under the flashing colored lights was the epitome of a “main character moment.” This was my first ever concert and I am so glad I got to experience it at Wellesley!

In other news, I saw the Muscovy Duck on Friday! My sociology professor decided to take the class outside and let us walk around to talk about our papers sans masks. His name is Stan (I think) and I was terrified to get close to him for fear of being bitten. For the sake of a blog photo, I powered through. Anything for my precious readers. You can go follow him on Instagram for more regular Stan the Muscovy Man content. 

On the agenda, this week is the aforementioned midterms, mock trial tonight, Friday night Shabbat dinner with Hillel, and then Fall Break (thank God!). My break will be spent a little bit at home before coming back to campus for Mock Trial practice and my first ever Marathon Monday! 

With love, 


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