Sunshine Sneak Attack!

Happy Thanksgiving break! My Monday and Tuesday classes ended up going virtual so I decided to start my break a little bit early- maybe a lot early. I ended up coming home on Sunday night since I live less than an hour away from Wellesley. This week at home, I plan on pretending all the school work and stress has melted away. I am sure future Jessie will come to deeply regret this choice, but that’s her problem. In the meantime, as I soak up puppy snuggles and enjoy my first home-cooked meal in months, I would like to share my Ode to Sneak Attack Sunshine Days. 

Of course, I am speaking about the glorious weather last Thursday. November has been a cruel month, serving up a punishing wind chill without any twinkly snow to redeem itself. But Thursday… Thursday was so freaking nice I couldn’t even believe it. I started off the morning walking to the Child Study Center sans jacket. I had no idea how much that puffer jacket had been holding me back! It felt so wonderful to stroll around campus so early in the morning with just a cup of coffee. It reminded me of when I first arrived at Wellesley, a little First Year ball of anxiety after days of in-room restriction. But this time, I was happy as a camper on my way to one of my favorite places on campus. 

After a few hours with the children, I checked my email and saw my class was canceled! Somebody must have been looking out for me because I suddenly had the entire day free. Much to my chagrin, I still had to do homework for said class. But now, I could do my homework outside. I made my way over to Lulu and set up shop on that patio sort of thing beside the dining hall. I swear to God, there is something about being at an outdoor table that breeds productivity. I got so much done earlier that day that I had plenty of time for a lake walk with a couple of friends. 

On sunshiny days like Thursday, I feel especially privileged to live at Wellesley. Our campus has so many places to just be outside (though I still wish they had more). Hopefully, Thursday wasn’t the last gasp of autumn and we can squeeze in one more gorgeous day before winter. That being said, I can’t wait to see Lake Waban covered in the snow either! It’s this weird in-between period of just cold that I would like to fast forward through. 

With love, 


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