Introductions and Such :)

Hello hello!

My name is Jade, and I’m super pumped to be one of the student bloggers for this year! 

I’m a proud member of Wellesley’s green class of 2025 and, yes, I am very happy that the class colors lined up this way (no hate to the other class colors, though). I grew up only about 30 minutes away from Wellesley in another equally green (are you noticing a pattern?) suburb of Massachusetts. Even so, Wellesley has been full of surprises and new experiences I’m excited to share with you all!

I’m a prospective Chemical Physics major and Music minor, which basically means I’ve mastered all the fastest routes from the Science Complex to the Academic Quad. That was a joke. I’ve been here for over a year (plus I spent summer on campus but more about that later), and I still feel like I’m walking in circles sometimes. I am a staunch Sci-color-scheme apologist (what can I say, I love complementary colors), believer that salted caramel truffle >>> graham central station ice cream, and newly inducted (more on this later too) West Side enthusiast. Now that we’ve got the controversial bits out of the way, here’s some more about me:

  • I play the cello and starting this semester… the carillon (bells) in the iconic Galen Stone Tower as well!! You’re not even ready for the pictures of the view I’m going to post. Get ready to hear lots about music at Wellesley because it’s one of my favorite communities I’ve found here.
  • I LOVE fun earrings! For reference, I am currently wearing clay paint palette earrings I made myself. Luckily for me, Wellesley students have always seemed to share my enthusiasm (although I would love to claim to be a trendsetter). I love selling my earrings at craft fairs and supporting other Wellesley artists!
  • I’m living in Pomeroy Hall (Pom <3) this year! I will be sure to recite the harrowing tale of my journey from East Side to West Side sometime soon. I can’t wait to introduce my dorm room (and lovely roommate) to this blog, complete with our disco ball and Compact Oxford English Dictionary.

Well, I can’t think of anything else I could possibly share about myself. As I keep posting, I’m sure you’ll learn much more, but all in due time. Wishing you all a week of health and happiness!

Until next time <3


my friends and I at flower sunday this past weekend (I’m on the left!)

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