Life’s So Fun!!! (Spring Weekend Recap)

Hello Blog,


As promised, here is your Spring Weekend / Marathon Monday recap: Wellesley College edition. The entire weekend was a highlight of my spring semester, so let’s go by it day by day.



  • First, I got to see the actual physical bells in the bell tower! I play the carillon as a part of the Guild of Carillonneurs, so we get to go pretty far up the bell tower, but normally not all the way. Apparently, students haven’t been able to see the actual bells for a decade now, which was incredibly apparent by the quantity of dust and cobwebs on the spiral staircase. This sounds extreme, but I think it may have been the highlight of my sophomore year. The view was incredible and everyone in the Guild was so happy to be there – it was just a really special moment. 
  • The first official Spring Weekend event was our campus-wise party (Freaky Friday) organized by SBOG (the frog-themes student group that plans our campus events). We danced and took photos and witnessed the sbog frog do the splits, but the main event of the night was the LDOC artist announcement. LDOC is the last day of classes, and we always get a musical artist to perform. The group performing is MUNA (the self-proclaimed greatest band in the world), which I am ecstatic about. When it was announced, I genuinely fell to the ground I was so shocked. My friend cried tears of joy. I actually saw them perform live this Fall, so the fact that they’re going to be on my college campus is crazy.



  • Admitted students weekend: I already talked about this last post, so I’ll keep it brief, but it was great to see so many more prospies and lead tours! One thing about these days though is that they leave me exhausted, so that was everything for Saturday.



  • I saw my friend perform in Wellesley Upstage’s production of Euridyce (she was Orpheus). It was one of my first Wellesley productions I’ve seen, so I didn’t really know what to expect, but I was really blown away. It was the first time I’ve actually seen my friend act (except running lines with her) and she was incredible. I was fully moved to tears at some points.  



  • What you’ve all been waiting for: Marathon Monday. I have to say I think this is my favorite Wellesley tradition. It’s when campus feels most alive and the energy is amazing. It’s so fun to wake up early and scream with everyone for the runners. This year, the Wellesley tradition of holding signs to encourage runners to stop for a kiss were back! My dorm is also right along the road that the runners pass by, so even when I went back for a rest, I still felt like I was part of the fun.


Until next time,

Jade <3


bells !!!

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