Happy Thursday everyone!
We have only one week of classes left in the semester….CRAZY! I have 3 papers and 3 exams to look forward to…I'm trying to manage my time well right now but it's hard when all I want to do is play outside and celebrate the warm weather.
In order to feel balanced (I think it's very important, you know!), I took a mini relaxation day yesterday with Bitsy. Every Spring we have a special day off of classes so we can attend Ruhlman Conferences (which are student presentations of work from the past year, usually seniors presenting their thesis but sometimes juniors presenting independent study projects and other cool endeavors). I went to a few presentations last year; the work students accomplish is inspiring and incredible so make sure you check them out at least once if you're a student here. However, I felt like I needed to get off campus and work on my paper and run some errands in my off day, so I didn't feel too bad about skipping the conferences.
I went to the Wellesley Free Library, which is a fantastic environment for working when you don't want to see anyone you know in the college library. After I worked for a few hours, Bitsy and I went to the nail salon and got a mani/pedi in preparation for Spring Formal (Saturday!!) with gift cards we had. So lovely! I bought some pad thai from Lemon Thai for lunch and ate under the blooming cherry blossoms in Wellesley Square while Bitsy did some Spring shopping.
After that it was back to the library for me until late at night! I made some good headway on my paper and I think I will feel much better this weekend because of it. Saturday is the big day that Mary-Grace and I have been preparing for over this entire semester. The decorations are almost done, the entertainment, bartenders, and catering are all in order. Now we just have to execute the event… I can't wait, though. It's gonna be a blast. I will take plenty of pictures so I can post some here next week!
Last Friday was Wellesley College's first annual Relay For Life, an overnight walk, for the American Cancer Society! Wellesley students have always collaborated with other universities for Relay For Life (usually we had to go to Harvard for the night), but we stayed here this year and had a great time for a good cause. My society made a team and raised close to $2,000! We were the 2nd top fundraiser for the whole event. yayyy
Tessa, Mary-Grace, and Celine getting sleeeeeepy at Relay For Life
Last weekend my friends and I also attended an Easter brunch. It was really nice out, and the whole mood of the event was fun and relaxing. I missed my family, though. I am starting to get excited to go home for the summer 🙂 I miss my dogs. I guess I kinda miss my dad, mom, and brother, too. Maybe a little.
Tessa and MG walking back to Tower Court
Home sweet home! Tower Courtyard. Loveeee. When it's really sunny, the lawn is covered with sunbathing girls!!
Hope you're finishing your year well. Cheers to sunshine!