Boston With Swagger


I DID IT!! I successfully ran all 26.2 miles of the Boston Marathon on Monday. What a crazy experience! I can't even describe the amount of adrenaline that pushed me along the course. The best part of the entire race was undeniably the Wellesley Scream Tunnel right before Mile 13. I kissed about 10 friends on the cheek as I ran through, and I pictured all of their smiley faces to help me through the roughest final 4 miles of the race. Above, Jennie and I proudly wear our medals and our space blankets.

Kissing Ada and my other Wellesley girls as I ran past! See that awesome sign they made me with the pink arrow? I'm near-sighted so they were smart and knew that a HUGE ARROW would catch my attention in case I didn't see them as I approached :

I was sore yesterday when I woke up, but Jennie and I went on a wog (walk/jog) to drain the lactic acid that built up in our legs. Today I feel much better. I can't believe it's over now! The whole day felt like a dream. NOW WHAT WILL I DO?? Maybe pick up that modeling career awaiting me?

Just kidding. But not really, cause this weekend I also walked in the Ethos fashion show! Here's a picture my friend, Mere, took of me in the New York scene!


Hahaha I had a blast at the fashion show with my good friend Bitsy. We chatted the whole time and loved every minute of it.

Life is good! I just finished a World Politics Nuclear Proliferation simulation, which was the one big academic event I had this week. The weather has finally been warmer. I don't have any big plans this weekend (maybe Easter brunch with Mary-Grace), which I'm thankful for. Next weekend Mary-Grace and I will be running the Tri-Society Formal which will be veryyy time consuming and super hectic. Thank goodness I found a date and a dress, though, so I can stop worrying about those elements. 

Have a fantastic week! 



BostonwithswaggerPhoto courtesy of Hevelonian blog


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