Pick Courses, Bite Nails, 7.30 AM, Click Submit.


It happens every year, twice a year: that time where I just wish I could somehow see into the future and know, just KNOW, what I get.  

I don't mind that I don't know my far-ahead career, my future, how I'll do in courses– nope. Every semester, three quarters of the way through, the dreaded 7.29 am comes around and hundreds of students around campus squat in front of their laptops, counting down the seconds until 7.30 am and then:


Yeah, yeah, you may not see it to be that big of a deal, but once you step on campus, some sort of pheromone related to stress drifts towards you, and you begin hyperventilating about possibly not being able to take Behavior 214 or Organizational Psychology.

Course registration can determine your major, your life, your career. On the other hand, some people have it good in not getting the chance to register for a course that they may otherwise have regretted.

Thankfully, I have yet to experience not getting into a class!

Although I still create three alternate schedules.. You never know. 

On a side note, I finally got around to decorating my door's bulletin board. A lot of students like to leave it as is, ugly blue cloth and all, but I couldn't resist "spamming" it with events that I have been to/planned/find interesting. I apologize for the flash on the photo. Yes, it is as magnificent as it seems.. 🙂


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