Rest and Relaxation

College can be stressful. You have all these things to turn in on time, away from home, new people, and if you as unlucky as I was the first semester, and 8:30 class. *gasps*

At Wellesley is where I came across the idea of self-care. Essentially taking care of yourself when you feel stressed out. Or doing so regularly to maintain a happy mind.

The reason I am writing about this is that Fall Break is coming up. It a 4 day weekend in October that feels like a mini-vacation. A very short mini vacation. And even though it is a very short break, it is great at renewing your spirit and giving you time to breathe.

I usually go home for this break so I’ve created a list of my favorite things to do while on Fall break. Buzzfeed style with Gifs and all.

Things to do:

  • Visit a museum (I live right outside of New York City where museums are plentiful)
  • Wash my hair (I am black and have natural hair, so wash day really needed to be a day; a time I set for myself to take care of myself)

  • Do my hair (This is different from washing my hair. I do different hairstyles, braid, twists, locs etc.)

  • Go to a thrift store (I love clothes)

  • Take walks with my grandma (I am not home as often so I love talking to her and hearing her wisdom)

  • Visit old friends (Catching with my friends from high school and middle school is fun, plus I always learn something new)

  • Bing watch a TV show



-Laïssa (see you next week)!

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