Thanksgiving in Dakar

I hope you passed a great Thanksgiving and had a wonderful break from school!
On Thursday, we also celebrated Thanksgiving, even while in Dakar. I was able to share a meal with the students and directors of the program. It was fun to celebrate Thanksgiving in Senegal and then later talk to my family in the states about what they were doing on that day. It felt like we celebrated together.
We enjoyed lots of great food on that day. We shared the “traditional” Thanksgiving meal of Turkey, mash potatoes, gravy, stuffing and mac, and cheese, but we also had some Senegalese favorites, mostly local juices, fruits, and crepes. All the food was prepared with such care and we had a wonderful time eating it. Some students even brought some food for dinner. We had students who baked an apple pie and chocolate cake to share with everyone.
During dinner, like most families do. We discussed what we were thankful for and what we found to be particularly fruitful about our time in Dakar. We also had a chance to discuss some of our traditions back home. For some students who were really missing their homes during Thanksgiving, this was a wonderful event. We also used that Thanksgiving dinner to reflect a little bit on our time here. I do not think that I am quite ready to do that. I have a wonderful time so far and want to continue to do so.
It was also interesting to discuss Thanksgiving, its history and its traditions with my host family in Senegal. I am particularly thankful to them for taking me in and making me feel at home and part of the family.
Until next time,
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