Happy New Year!

    Happy New Year everyone! In honor of the new year I am changing my font and color. Congratulations to every one who submitted college apps today! Good luck to those who are submitting their applications for the January 15th deadline too. I've been trying to think about how I felt when I was applying and submitting the applications. I remember being nervous about submitting everything correctly but I also remember being so excited about all of the possibilities of where I would end up. Looking back I applied to WAY too many schools (I want to say it was 12). I definitely was not as focused on some key elements of the college decision like the size of school as I should have been. For example I applied to both Boston University and Wellesley which is a HUGE difference in size. In the end, the small liberal arts school was the way to go for me. I must admit though that there was something a bit magical and alluring about Boston that made up for me applying to three very different schools in Boston: Boston University, Boston College and Wellesley. Sometimes you just have to go with those gut feelings like the kind I had concerning Boston. It is also my belief though that you will make the best of anywhere you decide to go so don't over think it too much. Now that you've submitted your applications you can applaud yourself for all that hard work and enjoy the rest of your senior year!

    Things have been nice and relaxed at home. I'm down to less than a week until I fly out to Scotland to attend the University of Edinburgh this semester! I've been getting very excited about my classes, living in Scotland and all of the traveling opportunities that await me this spring. A quick, cute anecdote about Wellesley/MIT though: I had submitted a final paper to my American Urban History professor at MIT with a stamped self-addressed envelope. Yesterday I got back the corrected paper and a TYPE-WRITER TYPED letter. It was so old school but my professor is in his 80's so I guess I should have expected it. That's all for now but as always, if you have any questions about Wellesley at all just comment! The next time I will be posting will be from Edinburgh so I will see you on the other side of the pond!

Lake Waban overlooks near Tower Court


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