New Fam

I’ve been neglecting this blog the past few weeks. I’m sorry! I got so busy so fast – this semester has really sped up since we hit the midway point, when all the midterms, projects, paper proposals are due all in the same week.

But I’d be lying if I said it was all work. Phi Sig, the lecture society on campus that I am a part, has a lot of events in March/April/May.

Societies at Wellesley are pretty similar to sororities in that most of them (all other than Shakespeare Society) we uses letters, there’s a big-little system, you pay dues to be in it, etc. but we’re not part of the actual greek system or answer to some higher chapter/organization (tbh i dont really know how that stuff works) so the groups are very unique and specific to the Wellesley community.
Phi Sig has really shaped my experience here at Wellesley in a whole variety of ways, but one of the best things I’ve gotten out of this group are the amazing friendships I’ve found through being in it. PS is a unit of 40+ people, but there are smaller families within the whole group. My family consists of Char (far left), who is kind of a big deal on campus and also my gbig; Court (far right), my big who graduated a semester early but is in Boston so I get to see her every once in a while; and last but not least, one of my new fav people ever, Lulu my ‘little’ (the tall braided beauty next to me).


Sisterhood Brunch is a super fun PS tradition! We get to shower the new members of our families with gifts and get turnt off mimosas from the a.m.


At this point I cannot imagine Wellesley with out these people in my life. There are more than forty members in PS currently, but these 15 (one not photographed) people, the juniors of phi sigma, have shown me some of the best parts of being surrounded by intelligent, loyal and bada** women.

Thank you ladies for embodying sisterhood. Y’all are amazing.



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