Hi Blog!
Believe it or not, I am back on campus! It’s honestly crazy to be back at Wellesley after not being on campus for 1.5 years. To recap, I left campus in my second semester of sophomore year. Shortly after receiving the email announcing the college would be shutting down back then, I packed up my room and boarded a flight to Miami just a day later. Given all this, there was little time for goodbyes. Overall, my sense for this year is there’s loads of time to make up for with the purple class (my class!).
I arrived on campus on Monday and quickly proceeded to the college club to check-in and get a COVID test. Then, I had a one-day in-room quarantine till my test results came back. On FDOC (first day of classes), I had my microeconomics of pandemics course which I am incredibly eager to learn more from throughout this semester. I am very excited for my course–although, I know this will be one of my most difficult semesters yet. I am taking 3 300 levels (economics and Africana studies), a PE course, and a 200 level econ class. Once classes were over, all the seniors headed to the campus center lawn for convocation. My favorite part about convocation was seeing tons of friends all in one place. During convocation, our college government president and chief justice gave the most amazing speeches.
As mentioned, I foresee this year being difficult due to some lingering graduation requirements; yet, I still don’t want the coursework to take away from the fact that this will be my last year at Wellesley! I want to keep myself accountable for still having those fun moments and create the memories I will cherish in post-grad.