Midterms Got the Best of You?

Hi blog!


It’s that time of the year when midterms start getting doled out, stress-levels rise, sleeping hours fall, and you find yourself longing for spring break. The heightened stress can often get the best of you, and it slightly has for me. This semester along with the work I have from my course, I am also balancing taking an exam for my post-graduate job and making the most of senior year. 


While I’ve handled the stress quite well this semester, the past two days I’ve felt overwhelmed. 

Everything on my to-do list is very manageable and not anything I haven’t done before. However,  there’s a sense of worry which I understand can be quite normal when you are about to embark on a new chapter in your life. Considering all this and how I’ve been feeling recently, I’ve been trying to take life a bit more slowly and remember to not sweat the small stuff–essentially, “this too shall pass.” 


In other news, last weekend my friend who graduated last semester came to Boston for the weekend. It was so nice to get off campus for the weekend with my other friends and just really catch up with each other. We went to our favorite bars, clubs, and restaurants. We even went to this one Cuban restaurant called Mariel in Boston. It was my first time going and although it wasn’t traditional Cuban food, it was so yummy. 




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