Stress Olympics

Hi! We’re almost halfway through the term? This is pretty crazy considering we’re only three weeks in. Despite that, the term is going pretty well for me! I feel like the previous terms felt so rushed and fast-paced, and while this term is certainly going by quickly it doesn’t have the same “can’t take a break” feeling. 


However, I think a big part of that change in feeling is due to implementing more balance in my everyday. Often at Wellesley, there’s a stress Olympics, and I think this very common across elite colleges. I would define this as peers constantly talking about the work/activities their juggling and complaining about their stress that leads others to feel like they’re not doing enough. It creates an incredibly stressful environment. On-campus, I felt a large part of the stress Olympics. Then initially in the virtual learning environment, I put more stress on myself due to additional free time and the coupled guilt of spending that free time in any other way. However, through reflection and fatigue, I’ve realized that while getting good grades and having a bunch of programs/activities is a good thing…it is not the only thing. The truth is that very few people will care about what my GPA is or how many clubs I was a member of. With this reflection, I also thought to myself when I look back at my years in college, what would I like to remember about it? 


Relieving myself of this stress has given me a much better headspace and more time spend on my personal interests. Albeit, it’s not perfect yet and perfect isn’t the goal. The goal is to continuously work towards redefining my boundaries when it comes to academics, work, and improving myself. 




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