Long time no see! I reveled in spring break. I thrived! Albeit it wasn’t your typical spring break like that you’d see in the movies, but it was well lived. I spent time at the beach, with my boyfriend and my friends, and ate some amazing food. My friend from high school had recently came back to Miami from college to get her vaccine, and we had hung out after she got her second dose.
I got my first shot a few weeks ago and I’m due for my second on Wednesday! The increasing vaccination rate is really making me hopeful that we’ll return to normalcy in no time. Perhaps, I shouldn’t get too hopeful so soon considering the new strains of the virus; however, it’s nice to think positive thoughts. Once I get my second dose, everyone in my immediate family will have received the vaccine with has relieved so much of my anxiety.
This morning was the first day of courses (commonly called fdoc) and I had quite an interesting experience registering for courses. Well, I registered for T4 courses in December; but, I had a change of heart for my courses and decided to change my schedule this morning during the reregistration period. Despite the stressful situation of being on the waitlist for some courses and trying to register before seats were filled this morning, I ended up with the courses I wanted. I am taking an Economics Trade Policy course, Intro Computer Science course, and a Fusion Fitness course. Also, I am still enrolled in my Babson Accounting course since it’s a semester long. I am honestly so nervous about the computer science course: I’ve heard it’s a very difficult course and incredibly more difficult during the term system since there’s loads of material to cover. On the bright side, I am very excited about the trade policy and fusion fitness course. The fitness professor emphasized the course is meant to alleviate the stress of our other courses and it’s a great opportunity to decompress—and that’s precisely what I am hoping for. Needless to say, I am excited for this term and I am excited for (fingers crossed) the “term system” to be a distant memory. (p.s. the college sent an email stating they’re planing on having a normal on-campus semester system next year)
Song of the week: My shot from Hamilton (my friend and I rewatched it this weekend!)