Hello hello!
Finals period is in full swing… I just took my Bio 113 test, which went well, and I’m going to take my Neuro 100 final sometime next week. I also have one more essay to write for CAMS, which leaves me with a total of two finals left to go! I had quite a few this semester, since I also needed to write a paper for Bio 112, Bio 112 Lab, and Bio 113 Lab. 4 done, 2 to go, Monica can do it!
While most of my time has been spent studying (see the above paragraph—I feel that my mind is spastically flailing), a surprisingly large number of non-academic events have also occurred. I’ll keep this short, since I’m supposed to be memorizing the hypothalamus-pituitary-adrenal axis, but I definitely want to address the fun stuff that has been going on :).
First, we had our end-of-the-season banquet for track! Coach Meg made special lasagna (she has a no-grain diet, so hearing about her take on nutrition is fascinating), captain Kailey made us all paper-plate-like emblems (I got “Contagiously Cheerful”), we made cards for the coaches, we decorated Dr. Seuss books for the seniors, we played ultimate handball, and we ate a LOT. It was a marvelous event, and I even remembered to organize a picture :).
Coach Meg with the lasagna extraordinaire! I couldn't eat it because I'm a pescatarian, but I'm told it was delicious. Plus the W is awesome, naturally.
Today too I met up Coach Meg and part of the team to meet her dog, Riley. Since she’d always told the sprint team she’d introduce us to him, but never had, a lunch-time meeting was obviously in order. It was nice, because it delayed our goodbye, but eventually I’m going to have to say goodbye to all of my friends. It’s going to be so weird not seeing everyone every day…
This is Coach Meg and Riley. Ravenna is leaning down, and Sheena, me, Kathleen, and Nicole are also present (and Zoe and John got there too!)
We also had our last track meet this week. It was a good time at MIT, and I even got to see Sarah, a friend who goes there :). Also, an update on the foot: it is a stress fracture, and I will be booted for 6 weeks. However, I am allowed to bike and swim, so all is not lost! 😉
We had some AWESOME runs on Saturday! I must point out what goes on when no one's running though. I love Wellesley.
I also went to the Admission’s Office workers party this week, and ate Indian food, socialized with all of the tour guides, and got presents :). Join the admissions office, guys—not only it lots of fun, but they’re very good at rewarding their workers ;). Ha, but really, I do recommend working there—I actually do find it interesting to read applications, and many of my friends are tour guides (Sabrina and Sebiha for example) which they enjoy immensely!
I need to thank my dad for bringing me out to birthday dinner last week—I can’t believe I forgot that I got to eat sushi!
I also need to thank Rachel and Tiffany for storing my stuff during the two week period when I won’t be at Wellesley… it was incredibly kind of them, and saves me a lot of money and hassle.
This week I hosted a swim lesson for the track team, three members of which showed up (Molly, Zoe, and Sarah), and two members of the swim team came to help me (Annie, Erin)! It was a lot of fun and got me back in the water.
I have also recently learned that one of the high school members of our lab, Sitara, is an academic champion! So cool, and I’m glad to boast about Professor A’s lab for as long as possible :).
And that’s all for now! Sorry to keep it short, but schoolwork beckons. Thanks so much for the people who replied to me, (I got TWO last time :)) and I love comments, even during finals week!