I declared my peace & justice studies major yesterday! It was anticlimactic. I filled out a form that looks like it hasn’t changed since it first went electronic, noting down which courses I plan to take to fulfill the requirements, and that was it. No confetti. No applause. Just me and one more thing checked off my to-do list.
So yes! I am a peace & justice studies major with a (prospective) concentration in the intersection of race and gender. I’m not planning on declaring a second major or a minor. I don’t want to have to turn down an interesting course because there’s something I have to take for my major. The flexible P&J major will allow me to keep taking whatever classes I want to take. There are just 5 required P&J courses, and then I pick 4 from any department to form a concentration (mine will draw from Africana studies, sociology, and women’s & gender studies).
Also on my to-do list for this break week were zooming with two of my off-campus friends, hanging out and playing guitar with my former neighbor, helping my little change a flat bike tire, and sending a postcard. And, once I got an email from my professor on Friday, doing the readings for my first environmental studies (ES) class on Monday.
This week went by fast. I felt like I was always doing something. I had practice for three days and ran or biked on the others, worked for twelve hours (including taking pictures of my teammates rowing in the rain, which was a blast), and did a few little things I signed up for (book club, tie dye, an orthodontist appointment and subsequent errands with my mom). My hammock didn’t see the light of day. But my dog did get a haircut, thanks to me and my kid scissors. And I wrote cover letters for some spring internships, which, if I get one, would encourage me to take a leave of absence next semester. I have no idea what I’m doing in the spring, so I’m keeping my options open.
But at least I’ve declared my major!
The view from Lake Waban in the rain/fog (featuring the house from Knives Out!)