Campus has become so green, and I love it. I’ve been taking pictures of a tree next to Beebe as I hike the hill up to the quad. Its leaves came in so fast. Here’s an update since my last pic of this tree two weeks ago.
I only have two more days of class in my undergraduate career. It doesn’t feel real. I wonder if that’s because I haven’t been on campus through the end of a spring semester before.
After a couple weeks of plodding along, the pressure of upcoming deadlines has helped me stay focused. I finished a draft of my anthro paper today! My goal in writing it was to finally understand the super complicated Chevron/Ecuador legal saga, and I think I’ve accomplished that. Yay for essays I’m excited to write!
Even with all this school stuff, I’ve been so conscious that the end of college means the end of things like getting out of class and finding free empanadas at a party on Sev Green or watching a play on a Saturday night for free. I make space for things like that (which both happened this week). Going to friends’ senior recitals—in front of a piano in the concert hall or on the Academic Quad below the carillon—is more important than stressing over work for one more hour. I loved the play last night, and I appreciated hearing my friends share their research during the Ruhlman Conference on Wednesday. I even got to make two little books in the book arts lab! Take that, schoolwork.
Other things that have made me smile lately include the goslings waddling around Paramecium Pond, the burrito bar at Stone-D lunch, and solid rowing races. It’s crazy that I only have two more weeks to row with this team.
I’m looking forward to the wide open days of finals week to get all my work done. Graduation is in 20 days, but we’re not going to talk about that.
