The annual late February tease

Every year, at the end of February, spring pokes through for a day or two, as if to remind us that warmer days do exist. One year, we had two consecutive days in the 70s; I remember practicing guitar outside. Another year, I was lying down after reading in the grass, and a concerned driver stopped to ask if I was okay. This year, the tease wasn’t that warm, just a few days in the low 50s, but it was wonderful. 

I waited until 10:30 on Wednesday morning to go for a run. It was about 45 degrees and beautifully sunny. For the first time in ages, I ran in a single pair of thin leggings. I was flying! I made my route up as I went along, just happy to keep moving. 

Post-sunny run

That evening, my friend Adeline and I went for a walk before dinner. The sun had set, and the lake was still white and somewhat frozen. I took a few pictures of geese (or swans, or whatever they are). The path was snowy, but I didn’t regret wearing socks and sandals. It is sandal season, baby, whether the weather agrees or not! 

My favorite photo from our walk

My schedule is packed, so I try to take advantage of short bits of time to relax. Before class on Thursday, I sat and read on a bench outside the chapel. After class on Friday, I took a seat in an Adirondack chair outside my dorm, which was dry but still surrounded by snow, and pulled out my book for a few minutes. The snow is slowly receding. I love the smell of snow melting. 

Tootsie sunbathing next to snow

Reading before class


Naturally, it snowed yesterday. But the weather forecast is slowly working its way in the right direction, and in a few more weeks, warmish weather will be less of an anomaly. I can’t wait to eat all of my meals outside and go for long weekend bike rides without having to get up and walk on the icy parts of the trail (that happened today, but hey, it was nice to get out on two wheels). 


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