New classes (and October snow)

Term 2 began on Monday! I’m really excited about my courses, which are both in-person: ES 214: Social Causes and Consequences of Environmental Problems, and ENG 203: Short Narrative.  Last fall, I took ES104Y: How to Save the Planet, which was an introduction to the social science side of environmental studies. We talked about changing habits and changing minds. Spoiler…

Fall Break?

Hi! Our one week break flew by so quickly, but it was such a nice time to relax and chill out.In a typical semester, we have a similar break called fall break, so that’s what I am gonna call this break. I went to New Hampshire for the break to visit and stay with my close friend. While I was…

I declared my major!

I declared my peace & justice studies major yesterday! It was anticlimactic. I filled out a form that looks like it hasn’t changed since it first went electronic, noting down which courses I plan to take to fulfill the requirements, and that was it. No confetti. No applause. Just me and one more thing checked off my to-do list.  So…

Pom is the Bomb!

Fall break is in full swing and it is just as relaxing as I’d planned and exciting as I’d hoped. Pretty much everything I’ve done this week has all centered around one beautiful, magical, fantastic place- my dorm, Pomeroy Hall!   I’m not sure if this is something I’ve mentioned at all in my blog, but I happen to be…

Fall break??

Hi! I am officially finished with finals for term 1 and enjoying the week break we have before term 2. It is such a great feeling to be done with finals and have a week to recharge! All of my finals went pretty well. Starting Friday night (after my last final), I’ve been able to explore the city a bit…

Done! round one

Say what you will about the term system, but one perk is that we get the incredible “Yay, I’m done!” feeling twice per semester, not just once. I turned in my final papers on Friday and Saturday. One was a research paper, the other a reflection on how a novel we read connects to the themes we discussed in class.…

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