Busy Thinking

Less than two weeks ’till Spring Break! I cannot wait to go away for over a week, relax, and have some fun with my sister. For now, however, I need to concentrate on everything going on in my real life. Last week was very busy with interviews for summer jobs and loads of errands I had to get done. I had a total of three First Round Interviews—two of them I thought went really well, and one of them felt a little awkward but still alright. The interviews are all for the same program, but for different positions within it. I should hear back within the next week, so I will update you on my summer plans next Tuesday.

I have also been thinking a lot about next year. I forget how detailed my last blogs have been about this, so I will give you the overview of my situation. I applied to two different programs that have few similarities besides being Peace and Justice related. Last week, I found out I got into one of the programs. The program is incredible: it is a semester of traveling around the world and learning about Human Rights in general, and Human Rights in Chile, Jordan, and Nepal in particular. The only thing I don’t like about this program is that it is only a semester-long program, and I really want to study abroad for a year. I also have to look a little bit deeper at how I would handle my medical condition; it has never been a problem, but it requires a lot of preparation.

The other program I have yet to hear back from. It is a year-long program in Belfast, Northern Ireland. It is less experiential than the one I mentioned above, but it does include some field trips, such as a weekend in Dublin. Another difference is that I would be attending classes at Queen’s University Belfast, a huge university compared to Wellesley, though I would still be in a smaller group of about six foreign students. The focus of the program is Society, Conflict, and Peace, which makes perfect sense if you know about The Troubles (Northern Ireland Conflict). My mom prefers this program. I probably will not hear back from them anytime soon, and the first program gave me until next Monday to accept my spot. I will be thinking this through for the entire week, and hopefully I will choose well (though I don’t think I can go wrong with either).

So somewhere between thinking about summer jobs and study abroad, I did manage to hang out with my friends here and there. The video above was made on Friday night after one of my interviews. My friend, Cathy, and I were watching Jay Alvarrez videos on the drive back from Cambridge and we started filming as soon as we got off the shuttle. Neither of us has much experience with filming or editing, but we were both pretty happy with the end result. It really was not supposed to be a parody so much as a “we can do that too” kind of thing, but Cathy likes to say it was. Anyway, let me know what you think!

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