New Year, New Me?

I feel really good about this semester. I know I always start out feeling really optimistic, but I feel very put together right now. My social jet lag (sleeping at odd times) is finally under control, I am excited about my classes, and the upcoming semester seems shorter than usual. I am a bit nervous that all my bad habits will come back with the stress, but I am ready to fight it.

I am writing this on a plane to Houston. A huge storm was supposed to hit Boston this weekend, but it seems to have died down, and it no longer looks like it will affect my second flight. I cannot afford to be stuck in Houston, because I am scheduled to work tomorrow morning. Finger crossed.

I am looking forward to arriving at Wellesley, but for the first time since my mom moved to Texas, it feels like I am leaving home. I had never really nested, since I never actually lived there for longer than a couple months during vacation, but this winter break was different. I developed a routine, I corrected a few habits I had developed over the years, and bonded with my mom. I matured. For the first time in a few years, I wanted to stay home more than I wanted to leave. I have started looking for internships for the summer, and I focusing my efforts to that area to spend some time at home before I leave to study abroad.

Although I am excited about my classes, my schedule is fuller than I wanted. I wanted to get my Science with Lab requirement out of the way, so I am taking Chemistry 102: Understanding Drugs. Although nervous about taking a science course again after so many years, I am excited about the class and the material. However, the class meets four times a week, and one of those four (the lab) meets for two and a half hours. That is more than double a regular class. In addition to that I am still taking Chinese, which also meets double the time of a regular class. I am also taking to Peace and Justice Studies classes that sound really interesting. I was thinking of taking a PE course, but I decided against it.

I started an exercise program two weeks ago, and it has worked out really well. The first day was 30 minutes of resistance training, and my legs were so sore afterwards that I could not freely move for three days. Three days! I couldn’t believe it. The soreness has not been that bad since, though, so I think I will be fine to walk as long as I don’t stop the program and have to start over. Given that walking is my main (if not only) mode of transportation, I will consider that motivation to keep going. I am a little nervous that I will fall out of habit given that I have only been doing it for two weeks in a low-stress environment, but I also feel motivation I have not felt in a long time.

New year, new me. It always seemed ridiculous to set resolutions that I never actually met, but this time it seems true. Although I did not set new year resolutions, I did set goals, and I am feeling confident that this will be my year.

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