So, What Happens Now?

You guys, I saw the Northern Lights!!

Okay, Iceland was incredible. Beyond amazing. I cannot wait to go back.

…But I should probably address a little something that happened on Tuesday: Trump. Ay. I am still processing. There is so much information racing through my brain. I was shocked by the results. I am disillusioned by my country.  I don’t really want to go into detail about it, because it is too soon for me to be able to properly tell you what I am thinking (about democracy, the electoral college, the fact that nearly half of eligible voters did not vote…) but I can tell you that I think it is more important now than ever to rally for your values. Trump stands for everything I stand against, and his presidency is likely to set us back for years. I need to become more active in the movements that I believe in, so that we can defend our wins and prevent losses.

I had originally expected to spend Wednesday celebrating a Wellesley sister for being the first woman to win the American presidency. Instead, I have spent the last two days in a zombie-like state. I wish I could be back in the States. I have heard of Babson students harassing Wellesley students in our own campus simply for attending Hillary’s alma mater. I have heard of attacks against women wearing hijabs. I am afraid of the repercussions of electing Trump as president, not only what he will as the head of state, but how people will (and already have changed) with him in power. Electing him validated everything Trump has said and done in his lifetime; it validated racism, sexism, sexual assault, and so many other things. It also proved one can be all of those things, do all of those things, and still be elected as the face and leader of the country.

Like I said, I am disillusioned. But we cannot mourn forever. We must keep going.  To those who are LGBTQ+, Muslims, POC, sexual assault victims, immigrants, and others: I stand with you.



Iceland was incredible, and I cannot wait to tell you all about it. However, I am not in the right set of mind to write about that just now. Practice self-care. Do not stand back if and when you see acts of hate. Keep promoting  your beliefs and political stances.

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