Countdown to Spring Break

Hello blog, and happy Monday!


Today is a day of momentous importance for many, many reasons. The first reason? It’s my little sister’s birthday! She’s a senior in high school and she just turned eighteen, so it’s a pretty big birthday. I have to sew up the seams on the cardigan I knitted her on the plane ride home so I can give it to her on Thursday.


Another reason today has been such a big day is the Spring 2022 Wellesley Lip-Sync Competition! Those who have been following my blog throughout the year might remember that Bates Hall was heading into tonight’s lip sync competition two-time champions; unfortunately, while our rendition of Elvis Presley’s “Burnin’ Love” was indeed fantastic, we did not end up placing in the competition. Our streak was beautiful and fleeting, and I’m very glad to have been a part of it. Pomeroy Hall actually won this competition, which was pretty cool for me because that’s the dorm I lived in last year. If we had to lose our streak, I’m glad we lost it to Pom.


Today was also the first part of this season’s very dramatic Bachelor finale, which I won’t say anything about in the interest of not spoiling anything for other viewers (I also haven’t had a chance to watch the episode yet, so I don’t really have anything to spoil). Tomorrow we’re having a really fun house council meeting where we will be airing the episodes, which I’m very excited about. 


I also finished listening to The Lion, The Witch, and the Wardrobe today, which means I’ll be moving on to Prince Caspian pretty soon, probably listening to it on the plane ride home. And that is the final very exciting thing about today: I only have two more days until I fly home for spring break!


Tomorrow I’ll be waking up early for Ghost Stories and Horticulture- my two Tuesday morning classes- and as soon as I’m done with those, I’ll be completely finished with my pre-break classes! I’ll have a couple of other things to do on Tuesday afternoon- mostly some RA responsibilities- and then I’ll get to packing up for my flight on Wednesday afternoon. The Boston Airport doesn’t fly directly to any of the airports in Iowa, so I’ll fly into Chicago and my dad will come pick me up from the airport. We’re planning to have dinner in Chicago before we begin the trip back to Iowa, which is about three and a half to four hours of driving time. 


I have plans to see most of my family while I’m home over break, which is really exciting. I also hope to get lots of knitting done, though we’ll see how much of that really gets accomplished. Mostly, I’m just really excited to take a break and be home with the people I love. Wellesley can be a lot, and I think some time away is just what I need to be ready to finish out the semester strong. 


For now, I’ll leave you with this post’s beautiful header image: my cat Frank, who is also very high up on the list of things I can’t wait to go home to.


Sending you joy, 


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