Hello blog, and happy Monday!
It was a beautiful spring day in Massachusetts today, and while I spent most of it inside at the Computing Help Desk in Clapp Library, I have managed to get outside quite a bit in the past week. Last Tuesday, my friend Emma and I took a walk as far as we could around the lake, and then yesterday after testing we walked around the athletic fields a little bit. The header image for this week is from across the lake; a perfect view of Galen Stone Tower.
Emma and I also managed to go on several other adventures this week. On Saturday we took the bus into Boston to visit the library; we ended up sitting next to my friend Anastasija on the train, who was going into the city to watch the new Batman movie with her roommate, and the three of us took a surprise detour to TJ Maxx to buy an umbrella because it was raining and neither Emma or I brought one with us. For something I had been anticipating for so long, the library actually ended up being a total flop; I won’t get too much into it, but the library has a lot of rules about who is allowed to sit where that they don’t have signs posted for, which made for a very stressful experience. After our library experience, Emma and I went to Shake Shack for dinner and walked around the Boston Commons and Public Gardens.
We caught the 6:30 bus back to campus and sprinted from Lulu to Jewett Auditorium, where our friend Sophia was having her end of the year tap showcase! Another one of our friends was emceeing for the show, and between numbers the vice president of Wellesley on Tap gave her her first tap dancing lesson live on stage, which was easily one of the funniest things I’ve seen all year.
Yesterday was Cinnamon Bun Day in the dining hall, and while I am not normally the kind of person to make it down to the dining hall for breakfast on the weekends, I made an exception for cinnamon rolls, which are easily one of my favorite foods of all time. The dining hall cinnamon rolls are probably one of the best things they make; my friend Abby asks about them so often that the dining hall managers let her know ahead of time when they’re going to be serving them in Bates!
Yesterday evening Emma and I went to an acapella concert in the Tower Great Hall, where all five of Wellesley’s acapella groups performed, and then we hurried back to Bates for Abby’s final floor program as an RA! Abby wanted us to all be able to leave our mark as soon to be former residents of Bates Hall, so we got to leave our handprints up on a pillar in the dorm lobby.

My handprint on the pillar! It’s a lot less lonely now; I was the test subject for how we were going to paint the hands, and this was taken before any other prints were added to the pillar.
It’s a little bit crazy to think about how close we are to the end of the school year; in a couple of weeks I’ll be submitting my finals, and then I’ll be saying my goodbyes and heading back home to Iowa. It feels a little bit unreal, but I’m really excited for everything that’s ahead, and I hope you all are too, whatever the future holds for you.
Sending you joy,