Brilliant Museums, Fancy Dinners, and Sunset Walks

Hi everyone!

Happy Tuesday. SO much has happened since I last blogged, and I’m back here to tell you about it. Last week, I visited Cambridge’s very own mini-British museum. I’m talking about the The Fitzwilliam Museum (affectionately called “The Fitz” by students here). During our visit, we saw a gorgeous collection of art and artifacts from all over the world – my personal favorite was the 20th century oil paintings. I live within walking distance from the Fitz (literally 10 minutes!), and it blows my mind that I can spend a rainy afternoon there, whenever I want! Admission is free, and we just rolled in and had a lovely time. I will most definitely be back again during the semester. Cambridge also has so many museums to explore, and that’s where I’ll be on my free afternoons. 

The next evening, we had our drinks reception and formal dinner with the Master of Pembroke College, The Rt Hon Lord Smith of Finsbury PC MA PhD (also known as Lord Smith or The Master). The Master is essentially the Paula Johnson of Pembroke College. It was interesting to speak with him and hear about his journey to where he is now. The reception and dinner both were a fancy affair, as we were required to wear our Pembroke College gowns. 

I’m so grateful to be living, studying, exploring this historic city. You can feel the intellect and history in the air. The other day I passed Steven Hawking’s old residence (I was in awe). The Trinity College Gardens are where Newton supposedly had his inspiration for the Theory of Gravity (the famed apple tree stands there). The Pembroke College Chapel was the first chapel by Sir Christopher Wren (the same architect of St Paul’s Cathedral in London!). 

Finally, I just want to take another moment to appreciate being here at Cambridge. A few nights ago, after dinner, two friends and I decided to take a walk along the River Cam. We started shortly before sunset, and kept going until dusk had transformed into darkness. During our walk, the sky turned into vibrant shades of pink, orange, and red. It was the most spectacular sky I’ve seen in England. Cambridge is quite rural, and we ran into some cows grazing in the field, along the river! It was a peaceful and picturesque setting, just like the one you’d read about in a fairytale or storybook. 



To more sunset walks in the future,


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