Cam Updates and a trip to London!

Hello hello!

I can’t believe we made it to October 2019! I’m writing today from a deceptively sunny but chilly Thursday evening at Cambridge. I’m soaking up as much sun as I possibly can, since it’s supposed to rain for the next five days straight…typical UK fall weather!

It’s hard to believe, but I’m nearing one full month at Cambridge. The exciting part begins in four days: the actual Cambridge students arrive for the start of Michaelmas term. For the past four weeks, I’ve become good friends with the other visiting students in the program. But it has been relatively quiet around here. Next week, uni will become bustling and lively, as all the undergraduates will arrive. Fresher’s week (in about five days) is a giant fair in which all the clubs, sports teams, and societies participate in. I’m so excited to go and see what organizations I’ll join. So far, I’ve signed up for the crew team (I’m going to coxswain!) My first outing on the River Cam is Friday – I will let you know how it goes! I’m also potentially interested in joining a hiking/outing or rock climbing club. So many options! 

Last week, I made the trek from Cambridge to London (a painless 40 min train ride) to visit my Wellesley friend who is studying abroad at University College London (UCL). About 50% of the junior class decides to study abroad. It’s been so fun meeting with Wellesley folks across the pond! A whole new experience to share with each other. My friend and I spent the entire day exploring London: we started in Covent Garden, walked across the Waterloo Bridge, through St. James, Green, and Hyde Park, and ultimately ended up at the Victoria and Albert Museum! We lucked out – it was the perfect day for walking: the temperature was balmy and everyone was out and about. I love London, and need to remember to visit more often. All the museums are top notch, most of them free. 

Other than that, I think I’ve settled in to UK life! I miss my friends, professors, and mentors at Wellesley, but I’m enjoying every moment abroad. 

Til next week,


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