Greetings from Across the Pond!

Hello, hello!

I still can’t believe I’m saying this, but today I’m writing from Cambridge, England! After a nearly fifteen hour journey from San Diego to Phoenix, Phoenix to London Heathrow, Heathrow to Cambridge, I made it! I can’t wait to spend my fall semester at Pembroke College, Cambridge. There are about 40 visiting students at Pembroke each year. So far, everyone I’ve met has been super welcoming and sweet. 

I moved in to my single after catching a bus with a Wellesley friend also studying abroad at Cambridge. 

It’s been less than 48 hours since I’ve been here, and it’s really been a whirlwind. I’ve been listening to the The Theory of Everything soundtrack nonstop, and trying to get accustomed to the city. So far I’ve realized that cars (and bikers) here are pretty defensive, streets are extremely narrow, and the weather is perfect for tea time, all the time. I understand the appeal. 

A view of punting on the River Cam

St John’s College

The Bridge of Sighs

A snapshot of the daily commute


The next two weeks here are meant for orientation. The international programmes at Pembroke does a really nice job getting students acclimated to this new environment/country.

I’ll be studying linguistics and philosophy during my time here. The Cambridge system of studying is totally different from those in the states (it’s called the supervision system), so I’m looking forward to delving into something new. I have a meeting with my supervisor on Thursday. I’ll talk a bit more about it during next week’s post!



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