Happy November everyone!
Oh my goodness. I’m feeling so much better, and I have a few updates to share from this week!
After 14,000 words, seven papers, and quite a lot of philosophical musings, my Philosophy of Mind supervision (or “supo” as Cambridge kids would say) ended on Wednesday. It felt bittersweet to end my paper, but I still have examinations in December, so I’ll be reviewing the content I learned during the next few weeks. It’s hard to believe, but I only have about a month and a half left here. I know it’s going to go by extremely fast, so I’m trying to make the most of everyday.
Here are some things that I’ve been up to lately:
I went on another rowing outing Sunday morning. My oh my, it could not have been more different from the one last week. The sun was shining, blue skies, the day was perfect. I think I’m really getting the hang of coxing! I coxed a full boat (with VIII people!) and it was my best outing yet, according to the couch (and I totally agree). I felt confident and comfortable steering (fun fact: a typical eight person boat is as long as a double decker bus!), and most importantly, my rowers felt safe. It was just lovely to be out on the water, and it’s becoming something I’m really enjoying. The rowers I worked with were all incredible (it was a men’s team) and they helped me out whenever I needed it, since I’m still in the process of remembering the calls. I won’t forget this outing, ever. I was in a post-rowing euphoria for the rest of Sunday (during which I had to write my final philosophy paper on Theories of Theories of Mind). Starting next week, I’m coxing a women’s side team three times a week. I’m looking forward to it… but not the early mornings!
Finally, yesterday, my friend and I went to a piano recital at Trinity College (fun fact: Isaac Newton was an alum of Trinity), held at the chapel. Let me tell you, the acoustics in the chapel were just mind-blowing. It was a two-person recital, as two people played the piano at the same time. I loved how expressive they were while playing: their entire bodies were so in the moment, moving to the rhythm of the music. At certain points, they both moved in sync while playing. All in all, it was forty five minutes of reflection, peace, and bliss.
After the recital, I attended my first compline, which was also held in the chapel. For those of you unfamiliar (I certainly was before coming here!), compline is the final church service of the day in Christian tradition – it’s usually held between 9-10pm. The service was beautiful, and the Trinity College Choir was simply ethereal. No words could accurately convey the experience I had. Hot chocolate and tarts were provided following the service which, in my opinion, was the perfect way to finish a very busy (but rewarding) Wednesday.
Next week, I’ll talk a bit about the dissertation I’m working on for my Linguistics course. It’s been thrilling (and nerve wracking) to do independent work, but it’s preparing me for writing a thesis – something I really want to do senior year. It’s also one of the best parts about being here at Cambridge.
Til then,

Fall, outside my window!