Hello hello!
As we approach the last few weeks of term, everything is starting to become busier and busier. I’m in the midst of data collection for my psycholinguistics dissertation, and I spent all day Wednesday and Thursday running participants. I’m excited to analyze my data and see what the results are, but the dissertation process has been long and winding.
With Thanksgiving break coming up for students at Wellesley, I wanted to write about what’s been going on here. Thanksgiving is not traditionally celebrated in the United Kingdom. However, there is an incredible Wellesley network here. A home away from home, if you will. And, if you didn’t know already, there is a global Wellesley network – all over the world. Take a look here if you would like more info about international alum clubs. The one based in the UK is called the Wellesley Club of the UK. Every year, they generously invite all the juniors studying abroad at UK universities to their annual Thanksgiving brunch. I went with a few other Wellesley students studying at Cambridge, and it was the most wholesome event ever. There was a ton of homemade, traditional Thanksgiving food (with lots of options – think vegan, vegetarian, gluten-free, etc). I got to see other Wellesley students studying abroad, and meet so many amazing UK-based alums! It was nice to be able to celebrate Thanksgiving (a bit early), over good food and conversation on an overcast London day. The alum club also has many upcoming events during the spring and new year. They also have travel grants for Wellesley students studying abroad, a wonderful opportunity to further explore subjects, in a new setting.
After brunch, we all headed to Covent Garden to see all the holiday lights. I can say without a doubt, it’s beginning to look so festive! And it is amazing.

Covent Garden, London
Even though we don’t have an official Thanksgiving break at Cambridge, next week, my brother is coming to visit me from California. I’m looking forward to showing him around Cambridge, and going to London with him.
Apart from that, Cambridge has been progressing well! My week can be summarized by rowing, dissertation work, and philosophy reading. My last three rowing outings were quite unforgettable (pictures below): during the first one, we saw the sunrise on the right, over the river and fog, during the second, I saw a beautiful sunrise sky, and finally, yesterday, I saw a rainbow while coxing over the River Cam (I didn’t get a picture, sadly!).

Our boat! I’m on the very right.

7:04 am, over the River Cam
I hope everyone has a relaxing and restorative Thanksgiving break,