Sophomore Spring a.k.a Avoiding The Slump

I’ve been warned over and over about this dreaded thing called the sophomore slump. “You can’t avoid it!” they say,  “you just have to push through and then junior year will be better”. So far, I’ve managed to dodge the so-called slump and hopefully, the spring will be just as good. Last week was a big week. I registered for classes and submitted my proposal to study abroad next year. Class registration is always a crazy 30-second mad dash to put the CRNs (or Class Registration Numbers) in before the class fills up. EVERY single time I’ve registered I get shaky and can’t sleep the night before because I’m just that excited. Each semester is another chance to learn something new, try something different and meet more amazing faculty. Next semester I’m registered for four classes:

I. Arabic 202 – I’ve finally made it. This will be my last semester of Arabic and after hours and hours and hours of speaking, reading and writing in a language that is so different from anything else I’ve ever done I will be finished with my language requirement. I’m not quite sure what I will do with all my new found free time once its over, but I do know that Arabic is hard and I am proud of myself for trying something so completely different  (fyi I am actually AWFUL at learning languages– they have never come easily to me).

II. Gender & Law – The class I’m most excited for. My first 300 level political science seminar!!! Since I am not a declared political science major it’s time to start really focusing on making sure that I am getting my required major classes in. With that being said, that doesn’t mean I’m not happy about that. As someone who is planning on going into the legal profession and has a deep seeded passion for women’s issues, I have a good feeling about this class.

III. Nuclear Politics. Because why not? When else are you going to be able to talk for three hours a week about the politics of nuclear warfare with a group of ten other women?

IV. Coding in the Socio-Techno World. The wild card. Those who know me know that I am a social science and humanities type of gal. I am most afraid/nervous/concerned about fulfilling my natural science and my mathematical modeling distribution requirements. I am not awful at math and science, per say, but I just would rather not. Part of the reason I came to Wellesley, though,  was that I knew I would be pushed to take classes outside of what I thought I was good at and learn to appreciate and recognize new sets of skills.

But I guess I’m getting ahead of myself– I do still have quite a few weeks left in this semester and finals to take. I am going to try my hand at vlogging a few days this week so check in next week to see if I succeeded.



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